Plymouth Creek Elementary

When families relocating or moving within the greater Twin Cities region begin their house hunt, one of the most frequently asked questions is in regards to top school districts. Of course, the quality of area schools is important to families buying a house in the top suburbs of Minneapolis. One elementary school that stands out in Hennepin County for its staff and academic approach is Plymouth Creek Elementary in Plymouth, Minnesota.

As part of the greater Wayzata area school community, Plymouth Creek Elementary is home to roughly 670 students and is located near the junction of County Road 9 and Vicksburg Lane. In addition to a focus on foundational skills—such as reading, writing, math, social studies, and science—Plymouth Creek Elementary also emphasizes language and technological ability. Spanish classes and courses on digital literacy serve as educational pillars at Plymouth Creek Elementary.

Recognized as Minnesota School of Excellence, Plymouth Creek Elementary is designated as a Blue Ribbon school by the U.S. Department of Education. Plymouth Creek Elementary scored in the top 10% of students statewide, making it a top choice for families buying a house in the Plymouth area. Perhaps you’re searching for houses for sale in the Twin Cities suburbs and haven’t yet settled on the ideal commuter city to buy a family home. If educational opportunity and rigor are at the top of your must-have home list and you know you’d like to live in Hennepin County, then Plymouth is an excellent choice. Not only does Plymouth, MN offer stellar, top-rated schools in the state of Minnesota but it is an easy, less than twenty-minute drive into the heart of Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Affordable housing options in the Twin Cities suburbs are often paired with top choice school districts for moving families. You won’t have to compromise your child’s educational opportunities when buying a house in Plymouth, MN, or its neighboring Minneapolis suburbs. At the Doyle Real Estate Team, we know the commuter areas of the Twin Cities and all the educational and extracurricular opportunities and rankings. As you seek out your real estate options in the Twin Cities area, we have the tools necessary as you relocate to Minneapolis, buy the first house, or look to sell a condo or house in the Plymouth area. No matter what you need, our research and dedicated team can provide you with the guidance required to make your transaction a success.

Plymouth Creek Elementary is one of many top-choice elementary schools for families in Hennepin County. There are also opportunities for parents to volunteer at Plymouth Creek Elementary through various programs, including Partners in Literature and Partners in Arts—programs at Plymouth Creek Elementary that enrich the imaginations of students. Likewise, commuting parents of the Twin Cities suburbs can rest assured that Home Base, a before and after school care program, offers the help you need to balance work and family.

To learn more about moving to the Twin Cities or finding an affordable, family-friendly suburb of Minneapolis in which to buy a house, give us a call today at the Doyle Real Estate Team.

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